Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Two and a Half with Some Running Buddies for Heather

Heather gets some extra karma points for being yet another donor who doesn't even know me. I feel like we know each other though, because she is my mom's running buddy at work! 

This is how I imagine their lunch breaks
Collectively we have probably logged hundreds of miles with my mom, and my mom has told me quite a bit (all great things!) about Heather. I realize I am not the center of my mother's universe (I got Lindsayed out of that position) but I imagine I come up in conversation from time to time. She at least knows enough about me to donate not just to this trip, but she also donated last year when I was fund-raising for Boston! Heather's vision of me is probably something like this:

Majestic runner
Always asking for money
Just kidding, she's probably well aware I am far less attractive when I run, and I don't own a brown floppy hat, and I utilize way more efficient ways to collect donations. But you get the gist. I run a lot and ask people to give me money.

Since Heather is my mom's running buddy, I thought it would be appropriate to do her 2.5 miles with some of my favorite running buddies at Back on My Feet. It was still kind of chilly and cloudy this morning when I went to meet the running group, but it wasn't rainy or windy anymore, which was great. We did a kind of speedy route through Somerville, but not so speedy that we couldn't sing a little bit. I hope we didn't wake up too many people with our rendition of "Livin' on a Prayer." But if we did, they shouldn't complain, because what a way to start the day!

So thanks Heather, for yet another donation to my crazy life, and I hope that one day we can actually meet and maybe even go running! 


PS. I know my mom just had her first half marathon on Sunday, but don't let her slack off!

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