Monday, May 7, 2012

10 More for The Ledge!

The Ledge was so impressed with my running and blogging, he pulled the most Ledge-endary maneuver yet. He donated more miles!! So yesterday I went out and did ten more for him. It took me quite a while to get my act together and go out there. First of all, let's all take note that yesterday was Seis de Mayo. I had an excellent Cinco de Mayo, so I woke up thinking maybe Sunday should be a rest day from running. But then I started working on a paper, and decided to hit the streets for some productive procrastination.
Ah yes, I have written a sentence.
It was about 6ish when I went out, and really nice out, so there were tons of people out. And by people I mostly mean hipsters. Oh man, Brian, you shoulda been there. I saw some ca-razy leggings, like better than jeggings. They looked kind of like this:

But my favorite spotting was a little boy wearing this hat/mask.
He even had it pulled over his eyes. I immediately decided that we need to get these for out next Day of Fun, which will also have to involve a caper of sorts. Or crime-fighting. Or just pizza.

Through some miracle, I was actually feeling really good during the run yesterday. I actually ended up doing half a marathon, so The Ledge, you got 3.1 fo' free. It may have been the awesome playlist I threw together before heading out. I'm pretty sure I was run/dancing to "Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard" by Paul Simon, and "Motown Philly" by Boyz II Men. the latter was selected specifically to celebrate our love of Philadelphia.

Brian also runs like this. It's true.
In Brian's honor, I made sure to follow his cardinal rule of city running. It doesn't matter how far you have to go, how tired you are, or how fast you are running. If you see that blinky hand, you are sprinting. And I'm pretty sure I sprinted across at least half a dozen streets yesterday. And I got hit by 0 cars! Human frogger up in here.

Challenge accepted
The Ledge pulled another sweet move last week, and decided to go to a comedy night this Thursday, even though there might be a Flyers playoff game... and rumor has it that part of this decision was based on it being my final night in Boston. If you know Brian, you know this is the ultimate sacrifice. And I appreciate it!! Unfortunately school keeps me quite busy... especially lately with these finals they are making me do... and this preparation for Africa and such. Apparently, you can't just go all willy-nilly into this kind of thing. Who knew? So we haven't gotten to hang out much at all lately, which makes me sad.

But, when I am back in August, and putzing around like a kid on summer break (because I will be a kid on summer break...) we can have our second Day of Fun. And we will dress like turtles and eat pizza. Also we can go down to Berklee and play Hipster Bingo. And I'll be sure to bring back some Tastykakes and Yuengling from PA, and we can have those too. AND YOU WILL LIKE IT.
Diet of champions 
Thanks again the Ledge!! It's gonna be a loooonnngggg summer without my BFF, but we'll make up for it!


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