Tuesday, May 15, 2012

5 Miles of Reasoning with the Hurricane Season for Derek!

Despite my parents' name for him, Derek is not evil. We just call him "Evil Derek" to distinguish him from "Fiance Derek"... who isn't even a fiance anymore, since he has married my sister. But that is neither here nor there. Derek is my ex-husband, at least on facebook. In college, it's all well and good to be "married" on facebook, but when you "grow up" people start thinking this means you might actually be married (weird), so we got facebook annulled. It was devastating, but we got through it somehow and have remained friends. Probably, because we share a love for the chillest man ever to grace God's green earth: Mr. Jimmy Buffett.
Seriously, God's gift to man
Together, we have been to 3 Buffett concerts, and his regular haunt of Key West, FL... where Derek witnessed me at one of my finest moments at Sloppy Joe's.
Doesn't look like much, but it's Buffett's recording studio!
I was thrilled by his request - wearing leis and listening to Buffett for 5 miles. I'm getting a bit pressed for time and mileage, so I decided this had to happen today. And when I woke up, it was raining quite a bit...
We also have strict no running rules on our back porch
After consulting weather.com. I determined that running in a downpour would be better than the anticipated thunderstorms this afternoon, and went for it. (Let's not talk about how it ended up being a beautiful afternoon and I had to go shopping for all of it.) First, I went to the Kratz family stash of Buffett paraphernalia.
What? You don't have an emergency Buffett stash?
I selected not one, but two leis. I'm so glad he didn't request a grass skirt, or coconut bra, or inflatable parrot. Luckily after, 2 miles, the rain let up. (Let's not talk about how it ended up being a beautiful afternoon and I spent it shopping.) Only a few drivers witnessed me, and most made at least some attempt at not spraying puddles all over me. I did see one other runner, coming around the bend, passing me, completely in the zone, as I was cruising along, listening to "The Weather Is Here, I Wish You Were Beautiful," which I thought was pretty appropriate given the weather. I'm pretty sure he thought I was weird, but at least I wasn't making the weird intense runner face that he was. Due to the power of Buffett, the leis survived the monsoon, and came out pretty unscathed, and ready for many more concerts.
That's some high quality dollar store leis for ya
The best part of the day was yet to come! I just got back from getting a "Cheeseburger in Paradise" with Derek himself. Just replace "burger" with "steak" and "paradise" with "Greenhouse Tavern" (the latter are synonymous anyway, though).
Serious noms.
So thanks a million Derek, for the great run, and all of the great Buffett-related (and non) times together. Keep your calendar cleared for my return, and I'll tell you all of my "Coastal Confessions" from Africa in August!

Everyone else: keep an eye out for the Save the Date

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