Sunday, April 29, 2012

Two and a Half with Some Country for Bill and Cindy!

I have had the pleasure of knowing Bill and Cindy (and their kids!) for my entire life. They are great friends of my parents, and as a have been staples at a variety of Kratz family events, such as graduation parties and weddings. They must really like us, since after all these years they hang out with my parents. This might be related to the fact that I am rarely around... hmm....

Cindy and Bill are also fans of fitness! Cindy does Dr. Drill, as do my parents. This boot camp is no joke. I've been to their guest sessions and trail runs and got my butt kicked. Bill was a member of the first Ragnar Team Ludicrous Speed, as Pizza the Hutt.
You're Delicious
Cindy and Bill didn't have any special requests, but my mom suggested I listen to some country music for them. During the winter, this genre typically falls by the wayside on the old iPod, but with summer and good weather on its way, I gladly threw together a playlist. I had a lovely run with Keith Urban, Toby Keith, and even a little Rascal Flatts. Try not to have a good run when you are starting off with this one:

For my route, I went with the standard Somerville 5K route (so they got a little more than the 2.5 they donated for!). Every single 5K in Somerville follows the same route, and goes by my house. So, I actually started and ended at my house, and ran it in the opposite direction. I still managed to make a wrong turn though, since I'm so used to going in the other direction. Also it may have been because I was so excited about this song:

Like my parents, Cindy and Bill are very much enjoying their relatively new roles as grandparents, and I love seeing new pictures of them with Chase on Facebook! Bill is a volunteer fireman, and it looks like he is having a pretty strong influence on the little guy. I just creeped through their daughter's album of his 3rd birthday which featured a firetruck bouncehouse, a firetruck piƱata, and an actual firetruck. (Hey Dad, for my big 2-6 I want a CPA-themed party, with a cake iced to look like a 1040.)
Chase's cake
I will also accept a W-2 cake
So thank you for a lovely run, and for all of the awesome times over the years you guys! Hopefully I'll see you before I head to Tanzania, but if not I'll have to make sure to catch up with you and tell you all about it!


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