Saturday, April 21, 2012

Three Mzungu Miles for Sarah

Sarah and I both went to nerd camp as high-schoolers at ND, but I don't think we knew each other. So let's say we go way back to freshman orientation, when we were lucky enough to be lottery-ed (not a word, but I'm making it one) into the greatest section of all time - Cavanaugh Hall 3A (later to be known as the 3A Baller Shot-Callers). I believe this name was created around the time of the Bling Fling SYR, when we decided that we needed to decorate the section instead of doing homework. The result was some signs that spelled out "We're Blingin'," unfinished problem sets, and the most epic paper chain of all time.
Paper chain was frequently used on birthdays. I don't know where it wound up, but I like to think it's somewhere in the depths of Cavanaugh, not unlike the lost city of Atlantis.
Because she hails from the east coast (Delawhere?), Sarah and I managed to see each other during the summer sometimes, which was awesome. Once I went to see her, and my main memories of the trip were getting attacked by mosquitoes when I walked around the park she was working at, watching Flight of the Conchords for the first time, and going to the beach, where the ocean stole one of her flip flops and she swore (which she didn't do often so I found this incredibly funny) and had to go buy new ones. ALSO she lived right by Lewes, so once when I was on vacation with my family, she took the ferry to Cape May and it was lovely!
WAAAAY better than a Carnival Cruise. 
Like many of my ND friends, Sarah has spent some time in Africa too - Uganda and Ghana. Now she lives in Chicago which is too far away for my liking! But I like her, so I'll let her do what she wants I guess.

Yesterday I ran three miles for Sarah with BOMF, and it was a little rough. Well actually we got a little lost on our 3.5 plan, and wound up doing four. This wasn't my fault, seriously. Also in the middle of the run we went to the T station in Porter Square to do the steps. I opted out of this part, and stood there, wearing one my teammate's weighted vest (he decided to go without it for the steps), watching everyone else come up with another teammate and a guard. The guard wasn't worried about us skipping out on the fare and then hopping on a train. She was laughing at the crazy people who decided to run up the 199 steps at 6:30 in the morning.

This is ONE of the flights there
Despite avoiding the stair part, my quads are still hurting, but it was great to get back in the saddle and see the team. Yeah, I had seen most of them on Monday after the marathon, but that's not the same because we weren't running together. Also I was delirious from the heat and the high of finishing. Which is a different kind of delirious the team usually gets from me (the kind where I'm just tired because I stay up late). It was also a beautiful morning, and it's getting light out earlier, so I'm no longer leaving my house in the dark!

So thank you, Sarah, for the lovely run with my team. I can't wait to do some more miles as a Mzungu, and to tell you all about it when I get back!


PS While writing this, I decided to look at our friendship on facebook, and this is the picture Mark Zuckerburg hand picked (that's how it works right?) for our page. And I've always liked this one.
Oh snap, who's who?

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