Monday, April 23, 2012

10 for MB, Who Also Loves Africa and the Earth

On Saturday, I logged some miles for yet another Cavanaugh girl, Michelle (MB). Clearly, this hall produces some amazing individuals. Or amazing individuals get sorted into it, like in Harry Potter.

MB and I had a fair amount in common in our studies, being of the science nerd persuasion. I distinctly remember studying with her for a Calc II exam, while our Arts and Letters friends made fun of us. They thought they were so clever, but we knew they would end up living in a box with no marketable skills.

Home of an A&L Major
Home of a Science Major
Ok, so we didn't end up in a mansion in the OC and our friends didn't end up in boxes. BUT we got gold tassels on our caps at graduation, and theirs were white, so that's good enough for me. Also I would pick math over paper writing any day of the week.

We were also a bit different in our early years at ND. I used to waste a lot of electricity and throw out plastic. And then I told her that I was going to concentrate in business and make a bazillion dollars and not help people. I said a lot of this solely to get on her nerves, because I am a jerk like that, and would get a sick pleasure out of seeing her all riled up. But she is anything but a jerk, and didn't give up on me, and here I am, unemployed, going to Africa, getting my MPH (after she mailed me a book on epidemiology), having high hopes to save the world, recycling, and... RUNNING.

Yup, while my mom always encouraged me to run, MB got me to do my first half marathon - Notre Dame's prestigious Holy Half. She also showed me some sweet running trails on St. Mary's campus. Running the trails with MB was always a joy, and I when I think about those routes, I always remember when we turned a corner, and you could see the river through the trees and she goes "This is my favorite part!"

I seriously found this on a google search, and I think this is the part
And everyone else, I hope that clears up why she put "Kratz loves africa and the earth!" on my donation site... MB you have helped (shoved? coaxed? tricked?) me down a long path.

I just was about to sign off, and realized I didn't even mention my run. I got fed up trying to write a paper (how appropriate) and went for a 10 miler on Saturday evening. It was beautiful, but a little windy when I was along the Charles. I didn't listen to much music, but I did listen to some podcasts, including Radiolab's one on guts... as in the digestive system. And I won't go into it the gross details, but I will share this, because it blew my mind, and if MB hasn't already realized this, I think she'll appreciate this fact. Ready?

The body is a torus. Your insides (at least the digestive parts) are actually your outsides. We are walking donuts.
Least gross image to display the concept.
I just had to share, and I hope you liked that science fact, MB. And if you didn't, I'm appalled, because then I don't even know you anymore. But you clearly know me - and that I love Africa and the earth.


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